Use Virtual Environment#

Please choose either virtualenv python package or conda.


Install virtual env manager#

C:\Users\xxx> pip install virtualenv

Create virtual env#

C:\Users\xxx> cd C:\path\to\env\folder
C:\path\to\env\folder> virtualenv easyidp

Activate virtual env#

C:\path\to\env\folder> easyidp\Scripts\activate.bat
(easyidp) C:\path\to\env\folder>
path/to/env/folder$ source easyidp/bin/activate
(easyidp) path/to/env/folder$

Install EasyIDP package#

(easyidp)> pip install easyidp

Exit the virtual env#

# exit the env
(easyidp)> deactivate

Delete the virtual env#

Delete the folder C:\path\to\env\folder directly to delete environment


Create conda env#

C:\User\xxx> conda create -n easyidp python=3.8

Activate conda env#

C:\User\xxx> conda activate EasyIDP
(easyidp) C:\User\xxx>

Install EasyIDP package#

Due to the EasyIDP package have not been published to Conda forge, you could only use pip to install.

(easyidp)C:\User\xxx> pip install easyidp


If you using pip in conda virtual envs, other packages should also installed by pip. Do not use conda install and pip install at he same time.

Exit conda env#

(EasyIDP) C:\User\xxx> conda deactivate

Delete conda env#

C:\User\xxx> Conda remove -n easyidp --all