
easyidp.pix4d.parse_p4d_project(project_path: str, param_folder=None)#

A fuction to automatically analyze related subfiles in pix4d project folder


project_path (str) –

the path to pix4d project file, that folder should contains the following sub-folder:

|--- 1_initial\
|--- 2_densification\
|___ 3_dsm_ortho\

param_folder: str, default None
if not given, it will parse as a standard pix4d project, and trying
to get the project name from 1_initial/param folder
if it is not a standard pix4d project (re-orgainzed folder), need manual
specify the path to param folder, in order to parse project_name
for later usage.

p4d – a python dictionary that contains the path to each file.

    "project_name": the prefix of whole project file.
    "param": the folder of parameters
    "pcd": the point cloud file
    "dom": the digital orthomosaic file
    "dsm": the digital surface model file
    "undist_raw": the undistorted images corrected by the pix4d software (when original image unable to find)

Return type:



Project_name can be extracted from parameter folder prefix in easyidp 2.0, no need manual specify. To find the outputs, it will pick the first file that fits the expected file format.


Data prepare

>>> import easyidp as idp
>>> test_data = idp.data.TestData()

>>> test_folder = test_data.pix4d.maize_folder
PosixPath('/Users/<user>/Library/Application Support/easyidp.data/data_for_tests/pix4d/maize_tanashi/maize_tanashi_3NA_20190729_Ins1Rgb_30m_pix4d')
>>> proj_name1 = "maize_tanashi_3NA_20190729_Ins1Rgb_30m_pix4d"

Then use this function to parse given pix4d:

>>> p4d_p = idp.pix4d.parse_p4d_project(test_folder)
>>> p4d_p.keys()
dict_keys(['param', 'pcd', 'dom', 'dsm', 'undist_raw', 'project_name'])

>>> p4d_p['project_name']

>>> p4d_p['dom']
PosixPath('/Users/<user>/Library/Application Support/easyidp.data/data_for_tests/pix4d/maize_tanashi/maize_tanashi_3NA_20190729_Ins1Rgb_30m_pix4d/3_dsm_ortho/2_mosaic/maize_tanashi_3NA_20190729_Ins1Rgb_30m_pix4d_transparent_mosaic_group1.tif')