Point Cloud#


A summary of class easyidp.pointcloud.PointCloud, can be simple accessed by easyidp.PointCloud

PointCloud([pcd_path, offset])

EasyIDP defined PointCloud class, consists by point coordinates, and optionally point colors and point normals.


This module (easyidp.pointcloud) also contains the following standard-alone functions for preocessing PointCloud file (ply, las, laz) directly.


The easyidp.PointCloud class is an advanced wrapper around the following functions, which is generally sufficient for most simple application cases, please don’t use the following functions unless you really need to.


Read the las file, the function wrapper for read_laz()


Read the laz file


Read the ply file

write_las(las_path, points, colors[, ...])

Save point cloud to las format, the function wrapper for write_laz()

write_laz(laz_path, points, colors[, ...])

Save point cloud to laz format

write_ply(ply_path, points, colors[, ...])

Save point cloud to ply format