API Summary#

The EasyIDP package have the following modules:

For each module, consisted by several base functions (e.g. easyidp.geotiff.* ) and an advanced wrapper class for them (e.g. easyidp.GeoTiff). In the most cases, please use the upper case class wrapper rather than the lowercase base functions unless you really need them.

For example, this function can be used to read geotiff meta infomation:

>>> import easyidp as idp
>>> header = idp.geotiff.get_header("one_geotiff_file.tif")

But it is more recommended use the advanced wrapper in most application cases:

>>> geo = idp.GeoTiff("one_geotiff_files.tif")
>>> header = geo.header

Although it may seem like more code, advanced wrappers have more convenient functions to use without caring about specific data structure details. Most of our example cases are using the advanced class wrapper.


The easyidp.Container object, its child objects, and objects contains this object, like easyidp.ROI , ProjectPool , easyidp.Recons , easyidp.Pix4D , easyidp.Metashape, can not be saved by pickle.

Please check this link for more details What can be pickled and unpickled .